Saturday, October 23, 2010

Space... The final -attempt?

Alright, so this will be the third time I've written a variation of this article. I gave up on rendering my logo animation in 3ds, because I'm a Mac owner and have no Windows. What I did was render a series of jpegs and then used Flash (who says it's dead?) to finish my animation in...oh, one one-millionth of the time it might have taken max.

It occurred to me that I might have given Max quite the task, asking it to try to render a transparent, colourless object fade in form zero opacity to one-hundred while fading from that to full coloured stone, slate and marble ...

Am I cheating? My thoughts were as such: What if I render it at one fram per 3-6 hours and need to make a change? Yes max can 'simulate the animation, but what if the actual animation is dissatisfying? What if the only reason I'm waiting so long is because lighting is being considered over 20 frames of visibility channel, whereas Flash can just do it right away as a tween? My objective in this case was conclusion. The art is in creation, not software. I created. The software was calculating for every frame as though it couldn't consider the one before. The act of my creation was satisfied. It truly was a matter of program from that point.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I spend the better part of my afternoon watching 3DsMax fail to render my logo animation. Actually one third of a frame of it. It's 180 frames long and the school actually closes in 3.75 hours, so I've decided it's no longer worth my wait just to have to quit then anyways. But, in the mean time, here is the jpeg of the final frame. It seems just a little cooler now than my previous posts.

Crane 3D

No, it isn't the latest blockbuster, but it is a movie...

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I made the logo colour a little more true, but still kept some artistic liberty due to the materials I chose. I also gave the source image.

A Return To My Nerdedness

Yes, I did say nerdedness, rather than the more cliché nerdiness. And this won't be the last time.

When asked to recreate any logo of our chosing in 3Ds Max, I wanted to recreate something with a lot more detail than say, the FedEx logo (clever as it is with its arrow in the negative space). Simple logo design didn't seem to hold the portfolio appeal as doing one that was a little more complicated. Any difficulties I ran into only furthered my knowledge of the software.

Not one for selecting some random logo that I have no care for, I turned to my interests. I was going to do the album cover of the A Perfect Circle Album, "Mer De Noms." The reason I did not was because really, the logo itself was simple, and I could not find the true font (despite use of Identifont and What The Font). Tracing the letters proved to be conducive of error due to the poor resolution of the image.

So, without further wear on this keyboard, I give you the 3D rendering of the logo for The Romulan Empire (as seen in the ST:TNG era).