Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Greek Letter Sampi

Our first assignment in typography was to create three 8x8 images using a Greek or Phoenician letter as our subject. One image had to emphasize the name, one for the symbol and one for a paragraph we wrote about the letter. All three images were to have all three elements, just shifting the hierarchy.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Portrait Draft

I intend to resubmit. The shot was a little over exposed, so you can't exactly make out the sketch of the SLR with the background on its lcd

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The others

We were permitted to do this assignment in groups. I had started out on my own doing what I perceived to be the hardest phones to touch up. At the last minute, I found a group that had the images I needed and it ended up they needed some of mine. For the completion requirements of this assignment, this post is the phones that I did not have any part in creating.

Phone 9 (co-operative)

Mike had started this phone, and then I added the screen

Phone 8

Phone 7

Yeah right. Speaking as a professional photographer, if I were asked to take angled shots of a phone while using a stand, I'd never ever, ever (ever to the power of x*) have the stand blocking the part I'm photographing any more than I'd take your family portrait with the lens cap still affixed to the camera. It's always best to properly plan a shot and never presume you can just fix it in post.

No offense to the photographer; this made for a challenge.

Phone 6

Monday, May 24, 2010

Phone 5

Phone 4

Phone 3

Phone 2

The Phones...

For DMA234, we've been supplied some glory shots (for later animation, I'm sure) complete with stands and dust. We were also given a wallpaper for the phones' main display screen as well as their external displays. As the display images are constant, I'll not bore you with a post about them, however I will give a before and after for each final phone image.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


From our video 1 class in first semester, this was my group's colour correction and editing lab. The film was completed on time, but the microphone was not active active for filming, so I did the audio in post, voiced exclusively by myself, with the aid of Protools. This is the completed version, though no audio was available for the in-class screening.

Our initial editing and colour correction practice was done using footage from a film about a man named Bob who shows up at a gipsy's house late one night to ask her for more of her oils (as hers were very pure). Our group decided to film the sequel.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Messing Around

Image Time

The first image was the obviously easier of the two. I'm tempted to credit myself with having completed it in mere seconds, but in truth I shall say:

Image One: 10 minutes

The second one was a notably more challenging. I finally uploaded my final draft after having previously posted two others.

Image Two (draft1): 45 mins
Image Two (draft2): 30 mins
Image Two (draft3): 25 mins

I should also note that the difference between drafts 2 and 3 was only the removal of the tape and background.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Professionalcrastination? Not so much.

Rather than wait until the morning this is due, I just decided to do my homework right away. Lessons are good:)

We were given two photos of a cellphone to add a Windows theme to. Also in the angled phone, we had to remove "Pocket PC."

My skills with Photoshop are increasing, but for the angled phone, there was some definite playing around before I found it...
I first posted one that was of notably less quality. I wasn't as precise as I'd have liked in the removal of the original screen on the phone in my first try while using the lasso tool, but then I realized that my old friend the pen tool could be converted to selection.

The Flesh Effect.

The first thing we learned in DMA234

...the more detailed one added weeks after.

The Darkness with lightning

The Darkness by Nebezial

I used this image to practice lightning bolts in photoshop for DMA234.