Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Perspectra Branding 2017

As I work on the relaunch of Perspectra, I've decided to update its brand, and give it a cleaner, more sophisticated feeling. Not only that, but having combined the words "perspective" and "spectra" had a meaning I wanted to convey without making prospective clients pull it apart on their own, plus I just like the idea of my clients getting the work they want to buy, not only what I love to shoot, so my updated tagline reflects that better, and I've decided to almost always place it with my logo.

The website is mostly functional... a kind of bootstrapped site that is live and under construction at the time of this post

Diamond Dogs

I've been working full time, and putting a lot of effort into my photography business, Perspectra, but that's really no excuse to not update my blog with my love of design. Most recently, I vector traced a simple logo for my brother's baseball team. He (Josh Hopkins) designed it.