Thursday, February 25, 2010

Friendly Neighbourhood...

Ignore that it says .tif, if you can even read that. It's a jpeg, but I exported it after putting the text for my tiff file.

My spidey-sense is tingling. Oh, no wait; I'm just exhausted from staying up til four and being at school for nine hours and in transit for five. Reading week? Sleeping week. Does whatever a narcoleptic can...

Update: I've deleted the background gradient. I don't know exactly why I'd settled on a basic gradient when shadows already illustrate where the lighting is...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

DMA101 Sketch

As I yet await the approval of Joe, I've decided that there is no more time; I think this meets his criteria and would ultimately be approved, but I have to start now. So here's your friendly, neighbourhood Spider-Man

Friday, February 19, 2010

**The Guide to Style.

The Style That Wouldn't Die... Hahaha...

Well, here it is. I underestimated the little font-bastards; that was the hard part. Sifting through so many blocks and bubble letters... The really interesting thing though was that once I'd selected my title fonts, I specifically chose the other two to go with a specific title, but ended up flipping the pairs and they work even better with the other.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I've gotten over it

Sometimes I can see the value of learning as adapting to a situation you're not quite prepared for.


So by 9am tomorrow, my blog shall show my completed style guide.

**Below The Knees - shapes

The objective: Find and draw any one circle, rectangle, triangle, square and ellipse that are in or as objects found below the level of our knees.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Something of interest

A close friend and inspiration of mine has introduced me to a website that shall be of great help to me [I'm sure] and anybody in DMA who'd like to go deeper into the various computer programs we will be and are using, than perhaps Youtube may. There are free live classes at

Now, unfortunately the free live classes may not all be available at the times we'd like them most, but it could familiarize some of us early on in future programs. Or you could buy lessons if you wanted to...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

**The Tooth of the Megalodon Materials I

**The Megalodon Tooth: Creation

The Ocean becomes the fill for the tooth.
And a shot of layer one going into fire.

**Materials III: The Ocean

...of aluminum

**Materials II

The coat hanger frame takes an ominous shape.

**The Tooth of the Megalodon Materials I

Our first major assignment in DMA179 is to sculpt the tooth of a megalodon.

I make my own tools. In horrible lighting conditions. One piece of left-over coat hanger and half of a Q-Tip. I would also later use a brush, but we all know what that looks like roughly. And no, I don't mean a hair-brush. Or an air-brush. I should also admit, I did not make the Super Sculpy, the plate or the wall.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

**Jon Burgerman Style Drawings pencil. Look for Touched up illustrator versions in the near future. Same with that Bunny from Hell. Damn that Bunny.

I decided a Swamp-Creature theme would be a good place to start; oddly enough before receiving this assignment in Sketching for Comm, I'd drawn a snapping-turtle coincidentally similar in style to that of Burgerman... Weird...

The second is presumably in a house, with various household items and characters... Many characters are running from their natural predators; the dust from the vacuum and broom, the mouse from the cat, you might not be able to tell, but a table is running from another dust guy and the human is running from the fear of seeing all of this...

It was difficult for me to do this as it is out of my own cartooning style...

For Jon Burgerman's art, go to

**Level 3 Brain-Storm

Don't ask...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

**Swatch This

It's about time. To quote Lewis Black, "I brought swatches, I brought swatches."